Well, something made my day not-so boring anymore .. the blogfairy left me this message in my inbox:
Its a wonderful feeling to know that somebody is actually reading my blog entries. Its disappointing at times when blog hoppers just scan your page and never really bothers to read anymore, that's why we don't get as many comments as we would like to. Okay, enough ranting!
Have a nice day!
Congratulations! You have touched people with your writing.
You are a blue-ribbon blogger!
Thank you, blogfairy! You really made me smile today.
You are a blue-ribbon blogger!
Thank you, blogfairy! You really made me smile today.
Its a wonderful feeling to know that somebody is actually reading my blog entries. Its disappointing at times when blog hoppers just scan your page and never really bothers to read anymore, that's why we don't get as many comments as we would like to. Okay, enough ranting!
Have a nice day!
Labels: Blog Awards, personal