I spent most of my waking hours in the internet. Since my job partly requires me to be online most of the time I am always with my laptop and thank goodness for wi-fi I can connect wherever I might be. I started getting hooked on the internet when I was first struck with Lupus, I got addicted with online forums, chatting, and internet groups and I even engaged myself in an online community where I met some true friends that I still cherish up to this date. I also took part in organizing a charity event for that online community. Later on, I got bored and discovered blogging. I am celebrating my fourth year as a blogger this 22nd of March and I am definitely hooked. Even as a child, I kept a personal journal and I love to write everything I feel, so when blogging took the internet by storm I found my sanctuary. But of course, as much as I love blogging doing the same thing over and over again for such a long time can be a drag and boring at times. I am naturally restless and I need to evolve every now and then and discover something new for myself. And so I came across online contests and although I was not really expecting to win or anything, I just wanted to have some little fun but it was such a blessing that I was able to gain a little just by joining. I truly love the internet and it’s almost infinite possibilities. Don’t you?Labels: miscellaneous, random