Friday, June 06, 2008
Finally, I finished updating my blogroll. I also got to visit some of them. I'm sorry to say that I deleted some of the links that have not visited my blog for quite sometime now. Well, it's time for new people to come in and forget the ones who doesn't even bother to say hello.

I am so looking forward for this long weekend, my huling hirit for the summer and a great chance for me to rest after a week of battling with my sickness.

Have a great weekend!

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8:56 PM |


At 12:46 PM, Blogger eastcoastlife said........
Hi emmyrose!
I'm using firefox, I can't see a header. Not having one?

I hope you are feeling better today.

Thanks for your prayers for my son’s recovery. He’s home from the hospital. We are relieved to know the cause of his abdominal pains and that it is not life-threatening.

Happy weekend!